Dare to Care

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Dare to Care - April 26th 2024

Dismantling Racism: Examination of Conscience, Continued

Continuing the third and final in a series on “Racial Examination of Conscience”. To see the entire list of questions for examination of conscience, click here.

  1. Do I ask someone that I am an acquaintance with, in social or professional settings, to speak for their entire culture? Do I use a friend or family member who is of a different background than my own to “prove” that I have said or done nothing wrong?
  2. Have I ever said “I’m not racist, but…” Do I always speak to others from different backgrounds with respectful tone and language?
  3. Do I automatically associate negative attributes to an entire group of people?
  4. Do I use dehumanizing language about others, referring to them as “thugs, animals, illegals,” etc.
  5. Do I categorize other ethnicities into groups like “good” and “troublesome”? 

End Human Trafficking – Protection of Victims in Ontario

Bill 41, Protection from Coerced Debts Incurred in relation to Human Trafficking Act 2023, received Royal Assent in December 2023. It protects trafficking victims from debt incurred as a result of being coerced into trafficking. Click here to learn more about Bill 41.  Click here to learn how a Bill becomes law in Ontario.

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