About Us

We are teachers, administrators and counselors; we are librarians, lawyers and accountants. We are nurses, facilitators and therapists; we are ministers, volunteers and women of prayer. Regardless of where we come from or how we serve, we are all proud members of the Atlantic-Midwest Province.

Our Mission is to proclaim the good news as School Sisters of Notre Dame, directing our entire lives toward that oneness for which Jesus Christ was sent. As He was sent to show the Father’s love to the world, we are sent to make Christ visible by our very being, by sharing our love, faith, and hope.

  • Celebrating

    Our Jubilarians

    Join us in celebrating our Jubilarian Sisters by sharing a story about a Jubilarian who has touched your life, or making a gift in their honor.

  • Celebrating

    SSND History

    The congregation of the School Sisters of Notre Dame traces its beginnings to Bavaria (Germany) where, in 1833, Caroline Gerhardinger and two other young women began living a common religious life. Caroline, taking the religious name of Mary Theresa of Jesus, grounded the community in poverty and dedicated it to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Our Sisters

If I am to share my story these weeks, I must give space to the grief in Israel and Palestine, alongside our shared realization that understanding does not mean justification for either Hamas or Israeli Zionists.  

By Sister Marcianne Bzdon, SSND

Birthdays! I love birthdays, celebrating my own and those of others! 

Birthdays are special — a celebration of new life, marking a new year of experiences and adventures. All the trappings of birthdays bring joy; a cake...

Sister Barbara Paleczny writes, since I am now connected to a global movement to deepen and spread compassion in all our relationships, I wonder if you know of the Charter for Compassion, written in 2009, it urges peoples and religions of the world to embrace the core value of compassion.