Life in our faith community is a giving and a receiving
of love and respect, a living together in trust,
openness, sincerity, and forgiveness.
Life in our faith community is a giving and a receiving
of love and respect, a living together in trust,
openness, sincerity, and forgiveness.
Founded in Germany by Blessed Theresa Gerhardinger, School Sisters of Notre Dame are a vibrant international congregation of vowed apostolic women with nearly 2000 members, living and ministering in 30 countries.
Love and Unity
We are women of hope, committed to bringing Jesus’ message of love and unity to our world. Our life in mission integrates prayer, community life and ministry. Believing that our international presence gives us a unique global responsibility, we address urgent needs of our time, particularly those of women, youth and those who are poor.
We profess vows of gospel poverty, consecrated celibacy, and apostolic obedience, in community, living in accordance with our constitution, You Are Sent (YAS). Vowed life in community flows from our spiritual heritage which includes St. Augustine, who formed a community to be of one heart and one soul in God, seeing in the Trinity the basis, source and goal of all community (YAS, Prologue).
Educators at Heart
Engaged in a variety of ministries, we are educators at heart, believing the world can be changed through the transformation of persons. Some of our ministries include formal education, social services, parish and retreat ministry, health care and missionary service.
These links take you to our website for more information
Being Called - Contact a Vocation Director - Steps - Questions - Take our Survey - Vocation Resources