Resources for Ministry Boards

Winter 2024 Address of Provincial Leader, Sister Charmaine Krohe, to AMSSND Ministry Boards

Sister CharmainePlease click here to view the Winter 2024 message by Sister Charmaine Krohe, provincial leader of the Atlantic-Midwest Province to ministry boards. Her message shares experiences and impulses from her attendance at the recent 25th General Chapter of SSND in Rome, Italy. The length of the video is 10:00  minutes plus time for conversation.

Please click here for the Call of the 25th General Chapter, the handout with questions for conversation and the written script.

SSND Board Guidelines


Cover pageClick here to access the 2024 Edition of Board Guidelines for SSND-sponsored and co-sponsored ministries. Please contact your council liaison or email Yvonne DeBruin with any feedback, questions or resource needs you might have.


Below please find a variety of resources in support of your service on an SSND ministry board. They consist of spiritual resources to place the board meeting in an SSND context and vision; they are educational resources to assist new board members to familiarize themselves with the SSND history and heritage; they are tools to guide, strengthen and maximize your engagement on an SSND ministry board; and they list upcoming webinars for board development.

Resources for Hiring an Executive Director
Conducting a Positive Exit Interview to Benefit the Organization and the Departing Employee
Resources on Racism for Dialogue
Resources on Catholic Social Teaching
The Boards Role in a Crisis – Resources from BoardSource
Board Orientation Webinars -  to be announced
Board Development Webinar – SSND Vision: The Key to Sustainability
2024 Edition of Board Guidelines
Services for Board Chair Development
Viability and Sustainability Framework
Board Addresses for AMSSND Ministry Boards
Prayers for Boards
SSND Ministry Handbook Template
Board building Cycle
Board Self-Assessment and ED Performance Evaluation
United in Mission Newsletters
Heritage Library (Video Resources)
Blessed Mary Theresa of Jesus Gerhardinger - A Women led by the Lord
Mother Caroline Friess - American Pioneer

Contact Us

Please email the Department of Ministry Services if you have particular resource needs or if you have resources to share.