Recent News

By Stacie Perreault, Waterdown LEAD Department

Bernadette Macy shares thoughts from West Palm Beach

It was 1983, and Velma Sampson and her mom were touring the College of Notre Dame of Maryland. Velma was anxious.  "I was not ready to leave home and stay on a campus of women from all walks of life. In fact, I was called a hermit at home. But when I stepped into a French class taught by Sister Theresa Lamy, my world changed." ​
  • Celebrations

    Jubilee 2024

    Each year, we honor and celebrate our sister Jubilarians. Jubilee is a special time to rejoice with our Sisters as they celebrate their years of faithful love and service to God. This Jubilee year of celebration and commemoration provides an opportunity for each Jubilarian to renew her vows and reflect on God’s boundless love. 

  • Spirituality

    Integral Vision Series

    The diverse, fragile, yet generative web of life is created and sustained through right relationship, mutuality, and cooperation among many varied life forms.  These insights compel us to think anew about our commitment “to be one,” with ourselves, each other, and with the earth.

  • Events

    Join us!

    In-person or virtual keep an eye on our events calendar!

  • Alumni News

    Keeping in Touch

    The School Sisters of Notre Dame invite you to take a walk down memory lane!

    SSND Alumni
  • Virtual Prayer Room

    Let us unite for peace in our fractured world

    Shalom North America will open a virtual prayer room Friday, January 5, from 10 am-10 pm, EST. It will be available every Friday.


  • Story

    Tactfully approaching Racial Justice

    Called to Action Season 4: Dismantling Racism, is now available. Sister Anna Marie Reha returns this season to co-host with Adam Schicker, communications manager at SSND.