Integral Vision Series

Woven throughout the SSND constitution, You Are Sent, as well as Love Gives Everything, the Directional Statement of the 24th General Chapter, is an invitation to oneness. As we engage intentionally in contemplative dialogue we incorporate the Congregation-wide theological reflection, contemplative dialogue, visual and verbal input, discussion, dialogue, and discernment. Each video includes reflection resources. Each phase of reflection builds upon those preceding.

Integral Vision - Introduction

One-ness is the Divine design for life that calls forth from everyone a commitment to nurture and generate unity through our lives and mission. The diverse, fragile, yet generative web of life is created and sustained through right relationship, mutuality, and cooperation among many varied life forms. These insights compel us to think anew about our commitment “to be one,” with ourselves, each other, and with the earth.

Please click here for the reflections for the video  “Integral Vision 2019.”

Integral Vision - Cosmology - It's all about the story!

We human beings are always striving to understand the origins of our lives, our relationship to others, and the meaning that our stories hold in today’s world. One of the most universally compelling stories impacting our lives today is about the origins, evolution, and ongoing expansion of the universe.

Please click here for the reflections for the video “Cosmology God's Amazing Universe.”

Integral Vision - Deep Incarnation - The Evolutionary Journey of Advent

When Christ became flesh, he did not simply become a human being.  He became part of a connected whole, the network of life that continues to evolve on planet Earth.  Advent, from this perspective,  is a journey deeper into the meaning of Incarnation.

Please click here for the Reflections for the video "Deep Incarnation."

Integral Vision - That All May Be One

Please click here for the reflections for the video  “Challenges to the Integral Vision.”

Integral Vision - Summary

Signs of the Times

Christ is at the heart of all that moves us.

—Pierre Teilhard de Chardin