
Celebrating Mardi Gras with a French flair brought some scenes of New Orleans to our Waterdown lounge last Tuesday. Sisters were treated to a special King cake our Kim had baked. King cake is a New Orleans tradition!
"What have you done to get to be 100?" That is a difficult question to which I have been asked to respond. I've always approached transitions with a sense of excitement and openness to what awaited me, whether in the country or a big city, at a 3-room or normal-sized school, in teaching younger students or adults.
Sisters, Associates, Colleagues and Friends: Please join us for an online contemplative morning of reflecting and sharing about hope through our personal stories. It will be a time to encourage one another and to discover hope-filled ways to address the challenging needs of our time.
Did you know that while there are 10 American Saints and 9 Americans who have been Beatified by the Vatican, none of them are Black? I only became aware of this three years ago when Associate Dolores Moore shared with the Dismantling Racism Committee that members of her parish, St. Anne’s in Baltimore, had come together to elevate awareness of six Black Americans whose lives exemplify holiness and virtue.
The end of the month of February ushered us into celebrating our own "Leap Year Baby" at Ozanam! Sister Dorothy Mary Leising was born February 29, 1924. What a joy to celebrate 101!
Our Sisters shared such inspiring Lenten reflections in 2024 that we decided to publish excerpts from them for Ash Wednesday this year. Each one offers a rich opportunity for reflection.
Ozanam Sisters enjoyed a wonderful Valentine party with treats, community and fun. It began with a prayer led by Sister Cathy Feeney, SSND. The Sisters responded joyfully to the questions she posed for Jesus.
I’ve been an Associate since 1990 – so that will be 35 years this coming October. I became an Associate after I had first considered becoming an SSND Sister. I have greatly appreciated all the opportunities that the province has provided, especially in recent years, to encourage me to spiritual growth, to expand my understanding of key issues in the world and to respond/act as I am able.
At last, we were over Covid. We could gather again and we had plans. We were going to celebrate Sisters Maureen McGoey and Delia Calis as they ended their term of leadership at SSND Waterdown!
SSND Associate, Mary Anne O’Donnell, is the Council contact for SisterHouse and Coràzon a Coràzon in Chicago
Some SSND Associates submitted brief introductions for the January Provincial Assembly. We will share excerpts over the coming weeks!
On Wednesday, January 29, the Notre Dame Preparatory School Community held a very special Catholic Schools Week liturgy, at which Archbishop William E. Lori presided. As part of the celebration, a special tribute was given to Sister Patricia McCarron, SSND, Ph.D., for her 20 years of service to NDP as Head of School. Joining in the celebration were members of the McCarron Family as well as several School Sisters of Notre Dame.
The sincerity and hard work of the Assembly Sisters and all who made it possible was so evident, especially as they grappled with our responses to The Call and Acts of the 25th General Chapter, and the 5 Focus Area Commitments.

By Eileen Reilly, SSND

As we continue in our efforts to support the canonization of the “Saintly Six” - who will become the first African Americans to be canonized - it is interesting to recall our deep SSND connection to one of them - Venerable Augustus Tolton.

As we continue our efforts to support the canonization of the “Saintly Six” - who we pray will become the first African Americans to be canonized - it is interesting to recall our deep SSND connection to one of them - Venerable Augustus Tolton. 
Last summer, AM-SSND created a Sponsor Council to better nurture, support, and sustain the mission of our sponsored and cosponsored ministries. Sponsor Council Chair, Sister Delia Dowling, SSND, shares some thoughts about her new position.
The following story is excerpted from AM-SSND's 2024 Stewardship Report. It shares how the ministry you began in 2004 not only equips women with critical life skills, its ripples benefit the whole world, one student at a time.
Growing up, I was blessed with SSNDs throughout my education at St. John’s in Frederick, MD, including Sisters Cora Lee Middleton, Cathy Arata, Mother Maurice, Maura Eichner and many others who left a lasting impact.
Chicago's Resurrection Life Center hosted an extra-special birthday party Sunday, Jan. 19, for Sister Cabrini Ganz. Now 104, she is one of the oldest Sisters in our Province! The place was full of Sisters, friends, and family, many of whom shared stories from Sister Cabrini's life.
The Dismantling Racism and End Human Trafficking committees developed a prayer service for the feast of St. Josephine Bakhita on February 8. Use it individually or communally to pray for an end to racism and human trafficking and for victims of these situations. Thank you for your awareness and prayer for this courageous Saint and for the human dignity of all people.