Offices and Departments

Thank you for your interest in the School Sisters of Notre Dame. Our goal is to provide all visitors to our website with the information they seek. Please click on the e-mail link for the department with which you would like to commmunicate, and the appropriate person will contact you shortly.

Mission and Ministry










  • Development Staff
    • Laura Lang
      Director of Development
      Office: 410.377.7774, x1154

      Laurie Molner
      Associate Director of Development
      Office: (203) 761-9732 x 3201
      Cell: (802) 490-8692

      Jamie Shannon
      Development Admin for Planned Giving & Operations
      Office: (203) 761-9732 x 3207
      Cell: (203) 613-6943

      Jennifer Chrysadakis
      Database Administrator
      Office: (203) 761-9732 x 3208