Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Responsible Investing has economic and political dimensions that provide ways to increase the health of our planet, the working conditions for all employees, and make more accessible many goods and services to all. SSNDs are encouraged to “discern … which urgent and critical global concerns they are called to address, and to respond boldly in unsuspected ways.” LGE   

Corporate Responsible Investing

As educators and as shareholders, SSNDs can extend their influence to the most influential corporations.  They are able to educate, advocate, and act in collaboration with other shareholders, through the Investor Advocates for Social Justice and the Interfaith Center for Corporate Responsibility, by addressing a company’s impacts on our planet and our people. They leverage other faith-based shareholders to join them in dialogues with corporate executives concerning social change for the environment and human rights. After delving into the policies and procedures of the corporation’s environmental, social, and governance practices, they request time for a conversation with appropriate staff members. When it is fitting, they may file a resolution for shareholder voting at the next annual meeting.

In speaking to business leaders, Pope Francis offered them a vision of themselves as leaders with opportunities for their business transactions to go beyond just profits, and truly serve the common good. May the SSND engagements with corporate leaders also serve the common good.

Read the Province Corporate Stance on social and ecological issues.

Providing education as well as opportunities for engagement with these social and environmental commitments of the province, are overseen by province committees under the leadership of the AMSSND JPIC Director.


During the last season, DOW, an American multinational chemical corporation with 54,000 employees in 160 countries, agreed to commission a third-party racial equity audit.  DOW agreed to this audit after its dialogue with four shareholders, including SSND Cooperative Investment Fund (CIF) and an...
Photo by Ludvig Hedenborg:
On July 5 thirty-five religious organizations from six countries, with more than $1.25 billion in combined assets under management, have announced their divestment from fossil fuel companies. Among them are 19 Catholics including five dioceses in Ireland and two in Canada.
Investing in a company, owning shares in the company, means you are part owners. So, you have an opportunity and responsibility to recommend/demand changes in corporate policies as well as introduce new policies/practices at shareholder meetings.

The effects of the present imbalances (in the world) can only be reduced by our decisive action here and now.

Pope Francis, Laudato Si pg 107