Let Your Voice be Heard! Letters and Petitions
Let Your Voice be Heard! Letters and Petitions

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Published Weekly, Dare to Care represents
news and actions you can take regarding the province's five commitments!
Dare to Care - Then to Act
This week in Dare to Care open the November issue of Shalom News North America, also read this month's Shalom Solidarity Reflection and join a webinar on Nov 6th, by Dr. Mary McGann, RSCJ on "The Contribution of Plant-Based Eating to Greater Food Justice".
In this weeks Dare to Care, take action to call for peace in the middle east, join Pope Francis in a world day of prayer, fasting and pentience on Oct 27th and add to your prayers the hope that Pope Francis will recognize the canonization of Mother Mary Lange, Fr Augustus Tolton, Mother Henriette...
This week view a dialogue from Georgetown University on Laudate Deum, learn about an historic new law in Maine regarding Human Trafficking, review a book list from the Dismantling Racism committee and take action using Voter Voice for Peace.
We work actively, especially in our local situations, to eliminate the root causes of injustice in order to realize a world of peace, justice, and love.”
We work actively, especially in our local situations, to eliminate the root causes of injustice in order to realize a world of peace, justice, and love.”
- YOU ARE SENT, SSND Constitution