Dare to Care - Social Justice Advocacy

Published Weekly, Dare to Care represents
news and actions you can take regarding the province's five commitments!

Dare to Care - Then to Act

Dismantling Racism: Minorities in the Olympics

Did you watch the Olympics this summer?  Did you notice how many Black people from many countries stood on the podium receiving Gold, Silver, or Bronze medals? How did that view of success, perseverance, and positivity...

Stay up to date on actions taken and upcoming actions that are part of our Dare to Care series.
This week in Dare to Care, Join a virtual event with Joan Neal, Fr. Bryan Massingale, and Robert P. Jones “White Supremacy and American Christianity: We Choose Freedom.” Take the opportunity to speak up in person to stop the illegal shipment of arms to Haiti in Washington D.C. on September 25 and...

We work actively, especially in our local situations, to eliminate the root causes of injustice in order to realize a world of peace, justice, and love.”

- YOU ARE SENT, SSND Constitution