The Patronesses of Shalom – A SSND Reflection

Fri, 03/21/2025 - 2:00pm

All Sisters and Associates, interested colleagues and friends, are invited to come together on Friday, March 21 via Zoom for a live reflection on the SSND Patronesses of Shalom.

It was in the Jubilee Year of 2000, that Blessed Antonina Kratochwil and the other SSNDs martyred during World War II were declared Patronesses of Shalom.  While the Congregation has been faithful about an annual remembrance of Blessed Antonina, our recognition and remembrance of the other SSND WWII martyrs who serve as Patronesses of Shalom has been less so.  Most sisters and associates don’t know their names or their stories.  Our reflection on March 21 will change that.  

Thanks to support from SSND Archive staff, we will name and recognize more than 20 SSNDs martyred during WW II.  As we celebrate 30 years of Shalom International Network animation, we thought it appropriate to commemorate these women of faith whose lives and sacrifice can motivate us today and going forward in our efforts to promote justice, peace, and integrity of creation, as pilgrims of hope and agents for systemic change.

It will be a powerful gathering of remembrance, prayer, and inspiration.  Please join us.

Meeting ID: 863 4949 2429
Passcode: 980475