International Solidarity Reflection

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“Freed and trusting, we are ready to approach others openly in dialogue, to hope against hope, to accept privations, and to welcome insecurity.” (YAS C 16) This passage from YAS may be especially relevant for us now, when we sisters are also facing the tangible reality of war.
Loving Creator God, you made all that lives in your very own image and likeness. You have given us Earth, our home (GR. oikos), a place to live. May your Spirit permeate our hearts as we contemplate our relationship with all of creation that exists in our home. Help us to be open to any ecological...
"The earth mourns and dries up. The world is exhausted and decayed. Heaven and earth are weakened. The earth has been defiled by the feet of its inhabitants, who overlooked the laws, violated the commandments and did not keep the eternal contract."  (Isaiah 24: 4-5)