Join Us in Mission

The gift of a good education is one of God’s greatest gifts. Our foundress, Mother Theresa of Jesus Gerhardinger, recognized God’s call to found a religious community to respond to the needs of the times through education. She believed wholeheartedly that the transformation of one’s life came through the power of education – education in all forms, inside and outside of a classroom.  

The classroom setting may have changed in 190 years but the mission of SSND has not. Thank you for partnering with us in our continued mission to transform the world through education.

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    Our Ministry

    Engaged in a variety of ministries, we are educators at heart, believing the world can be changed through the transformation of persons. Some of our ministries include formal education, social services, parish and retreat ministry, health care and missionary service.

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    Ways to Give

    JOIN US IN MISSION – Make a donation today to help sisters continue to transform the world through education.

  • Become an Associate

    Learn More

    We invite you to join us. As an Associate, you join with the School Sisters of Notre Dame in carrying out the mission of Jesus Christ in the spirit of Blessed Theresa of Jesus Gerhardinger, our foundress, to bring all into oneness with God and assist others to grow into the fullness of their potential.

Learn about our Associates

We are each on our own spiritual journey, but we have a shared spirit that goes beyond our faith. At an Associate gathering this year, Baltimore Associate Carla Hobson shared the following reflection.

Our union with God, supported and fostered by our sisters in community, impels us to share with others our prayer and faith experience and to receive from them the richness of theirs.  ~ You Are Sent, General Directory 50

“I believe volunteering should be an everyday part of our life experiences,” admits this humble Geri Award winner. “I don’t see what I did as heroic or beyond. I think this is the way we should all think about helping one another, that it should be a part of our life’s work.”


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