Just Act - Social Justice Resources

What kind of world do we want to leave to those who come after us, to children who are now growing up?

Pope Francis, Laudato Si 106
June 5 is World Environment Day. We invite you to take some time to consider the U.S. border issue with an ecological lens.
On this Earth Day, many of us – more than a billion people, globally – set aside a day to focus our attention and energies on our planet and its needs. We cannot fail to notice that our world is becoming increasingly defaced and volatile.
As we approach the midterm elections in the United States, most citizens have aligned themselves with one of the two major political parties. To many who profess loyalty to a political party, members of the other party (or anyone who voices an opinion at odds with their own) are, in the words of...

The Gospel Fund

The Gospel Fund of the Atlantic-Midwest Province has been established for the purpose of assisting in the financing of projects whose goals are consistent with our congregational mandate to reverence all creation and make the concerns of the poor our own. Twice a year the School Sisters of Notre Dame award grants to organizations working for justice. These groups benefit people, mostly women and children, caught in poverty, human rights abuses, or environmental devastation.

For justice to which we are all called,
and for charity which is a privilege for all of us to offer,
we join our prayers and financial resources
with these organizations and groupsas they work for a more just global community.


Corporate Social Responsibility