In Memoriam

Help us remember our Sisters.

In death, we say our ultimate human yes to God. Trusting in God’s power to bring us to the fullness of life, we conclude our earthly life with an act of worship: in the action of death we proclaim God as God, and ourselves as God’s creatures. We are called by God and sent by the community; we go in joy!

- You Are Sent, Constitution of the School Sisters of Notre Dame
Sister M Jean Francis Stenger
In 1949, Sister Jean Francis was assigned to the new mission in Yona on the island of Guam. The first trip involved several airplane mishaps, including having a goonie bird (a type of albatross) fly into one of the propellers.
Rosalita McNamee, SSND
Two months after her 100th birthday, Sister Rosie said her final yes to God. A native New Yorker, she reminisced about going to the lower East Side in the mid-1930s, where she was inspired by meeting Dorothy Day. Her life long ministry was in helping those with special needs.
Sister Jenny VandenBergh
In her junior year of high school, Jenny decided on her vocation, even though she had little contact with SSND outside of religion classes, and she expected a negative reaction from her mother.