Our Sisters

School Sisters of Notre Dame continue to live the vision of Foundress Blessed Theresa Gerhardinger in a variety of ways. Below our Sisters share stories of their work and ministry.

We go forth daily in the spirit of Mother Theresa, remembering her words: "Poor and abandoned, we began the work of God in supernatural faith and confidence... let us continue to serve the Triune God all our Lives with Joy."

YAS - the constitution of the School Sisters of Notre Dame

Sisters in the News

Sisters celebrate Jubilee in Chicago

On Sunday June 2, jubilarians from Chicago and Milwaukee came together to celebrate their jubilee. "We, the jubilarians of 2017, thank everyone who has sparked the flame of our lives throughout these 50, 60, 70 and 75 years of consecrated religious life. We are humbly grateful for your loving...

Sister celebrating in Elm Grove

“We Remember, We Celebrate, We Believe” was the theme filling the days that 24 golden jubilarians shared from June 16-18 at Notre Dame of Elm Grove. This unique gathering included sisters from the Central Pacific and Atlantic-Midwest Provinces, as well as two classmates who are now members of...

Sister Lupita Marie Cordero
Sister Lupita Marie Cordero was first called to religious life at the age of seven. “When I was preparing for my first sacrament in 2nd grade I felt the call,” she said. “The sisters were so kind to me and it made a lasting impression on me, I wanted to be like the sisters.”
  • Jubilarians

    Celebrating Jubilee!

    Each year, we honor and celebrate our sister Jubilarians. Jubilee is a special time to rejoice with our Sisters as they celebrate their 25, 40, 50, 60, 70, 75, or 80 years of faithful love and service to God.