Our Sisters

School Sisters of Notre Dame continue to live the vision of Foundress Blessed Theresa Gerhardinger in a variety of ways. Below our Sisters share stories of their work and ministry.

We go forth daily in the spirit of Mother Theresa, remembering her words: "Poor and abandoned, we began the work of God in supernatural faith and confidence... let us continue to serve the Triune God all our Lives with Joy."

YAS - the constitution of the School Sisters of Notre Dame

Sisters in the News

On the fifth of May, SSND Waterdown had a Fiesta to celebrate Cinco De Mayo! With homemade sombreros, maracas, and pinatas, the party was a blast! It was a fun day, with lots of colours, music, and friends. 
After months of anticipation, Sister Teresia Spodnik celebrated her 104th birthday on March 29th. Congratulations arrived for her from family and friends as well as from the Sisters and staff at Ozanam, where she resides.  
It's a beautiful Tuesday in March at Stella Maris near Baltimore. Sister Paulette Doyas, SSND, welcomes her first-time guest, rolling a state-of-the-art office set-up away from the bed. Despite residing in an assisted living community, Sister Paulette continues to serve as a part-time, remote...
  • Jubilarians

    Celebrating Jubilee!

    Each year, we honor and celebrate our sister Jubilarians. Jubilee is a special time to rejoice with our Sisters as they celebrate their 25, 40, 50, 60, 70, 75, or 80 years of faithful love and service to God.