On August 28th, 2021, the 58th Anniversary of the March on Washington led by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., people from all over the United States will gather again to March On for Voting Rights. As you know, many states have been enacting laws that will make voting difficult, if not impossible, for many of their constituents. These laws must be challenged if the cornerstone of our democracy, the right to vote, is to be protected.
While we hope that some of you can consider attending the August 28th March On event, it will not be possible for most of us to attend. Yet, there is a way we can all “be present” in solidarity with all those who will March-On in Washington D.C.
The JPIC Department, in collaboration with the Communications Department, has created a Virtual March Event. It is a way that each and every one of us can participate in this historic moment. It is a way that each of us can join together to March On (virtually) for Voting Rights.
So…Let’s All March On By Taking These Steps…
Step 1: - Please enter the Virtual March here
Step 2: - If you are able to make a simple sign, as the virtual march suggests, please send your picture with the sign to aflaherty@amssnd.org and/or ltriolo@amssnd.org by September 1st. This will also let us know that we have your permission to post your picture on our website and social media. Why? It makes your solidarity with those who are marching to protect our democracy visible to our SSND network and wider public.
Step 3: - At the end of the Virtual March Video, you will be invited to enter our SSND prayer room which, is here.
Step 4: - Take the step to let your Senators know how important it is that they address The Voting Rights Act in the Fall session of the Senate here
In the midst of many transitions that are part of our lives at this time, let us take a moment to join this important movement, to protect the U.S. democracy, and uphold the values and vision upon which it has been built. Let us bring the transformative grace of our SSND charism to this critical moment in history.