Early in October, Hurricane Matthew tore through Haiti leaving devastation in its wake – but not hopelessness. In an effort to continue the relief efforts in Haiti, the Academy of the Holy Angels has joined forces with the School Sisters of Notre Dame and Beyond Borders to assist as many Haitian families as possible.
“The School Sisters of Notre Dame respond to the needs of the times, and were already working in Haiti before the hurricane,” explained Director of Campus Ministry Kathleen Sylvester. Although the sisters sent funding to Haiti through Catholic Relief Services immediately following the storm, additional aid is still needed, Sylvester said.
“The School Sisters of Notre Dame respond to the needs of the times, and were already working in Haiti before the hurricane,” explained Director of Campus Ministry Kathleen Sylvester. Although the sisters sent funding to Haiti through Catholic Relief Services immediately following the storm, additional aid is still needed, Sylvester said.
Beyond Borders will spend the next 18 months helping 100 Haitian families rebuild their houses and get access to safe drinking water and proper sanitation. This organization will also help families obtain livestock and other necessities, and any training they need to earn an income. Beyond Borders estimates that the cost of assisting one family will be $1,800 for the 18-month project.
Rallying around the cause, the AHA community will hold multiple fundraisers for Haiti that will begin this fall and extend into February 2017.
The schedule of fundraising events follows:
October 31 and November 3 -- Halos for Haiti. This photo booth style fundraiser will be held during lunch periods. For a $2 per person donation, students will have an opportunity to use donated halos and wings as props in their photos.
November 8 -- Handprints for Haiti. Students will make a donation to dip their hands in paint and put their handprints on a canvas that will later be sent to the SSNDs in Wilton, Connecticut. Change boxes will also be placed at the cash registers in the Student Commons.
November 14-17 -- Thanksgiving Drive. Each year, students and staff make a Thanksgiving Drive/Jeans Pass donation that allows them to wear jeans to school for the day. Funds from this effort are traditionally donated to an SSND sponsored organization. This year’s donation will go to the SSNDs and Beyond Borders. Funds will be collected in homerooms November 14, 15, and 16. The Jeans Pass will be effective November 17.
November 21-22 -- Hoops for Haiti. Students will make a donation to play games with hula hoops and/or basketball hoops in the Student Common or gym during lunch periods.
January 24- 25, 2017 – Faculty Bake Sale. The treats will be twice as sweet, since the proceeds will be helping families rebuild their lives.
February 5, 2017 – Flapjack Fundraiser at Applebee’s. This final fundraiser, which will be held on a Sunday, is a community building event that will include student servers and visiting SSNDs from Wilton, Connecticut.
“We hope that these efforts will enable many in the AHA community to become involved in helping our brothers and sisters in Haiti,” Sylvester added.
Additional clubs and organizations are encouraged to donate funds to support this effort.
Since 1879, thousands of women have passed through the portals of Academy of the Holy Angels high school, the oldest private girls’ school in New Jersey. Many go on to study at some of the nation’s best universities, earning high-ranking positions in medicine, government, law, education, public service, business, arts and athletics. Our goal is to provide each girl with the tools she needs to reach the fullness of her potential—spiritually, intellectually, socially and physically, by offering a first –rate education in a nurturing environment where equal importance is placed on academic excellence, character development, moral integrity and giving service to others.
-Jennifer Crusco, the Communications Assistant, The Academy of the Holy Angels
Rallying around the cause, the AHA community will hold multiple fundraisers for Haiti that will begin this fall and extend into February 2017.
The schedule of fundraising events follows:
October 31 and November 3 -- Halos for Haiti. This photo booth style fundraiser will be held during lunch periods. For a $2 per person donation, students will have an opportunity to use donated halos and wings as props in their photos.
November 8 -- Handprints for Haiti. Students will make a donation to dip their hands in paint and put their handprints on a canvas that will later be sent to the SSNDs in Wilton, Connecticut. Change boxes will also be placed at the cash registers in the Student Commons.
November 14-17 -- Thanksgiving Drive. Each year, students and staff make a Thanksgiving Drive/Jeans Pass donation that allows them to wear jeans to school for the day. Funds from this effort are traditionally donated to an SSND sponsored organization. This year’s donation will go to the SSNDs and Beyond Borders. Funds will be collected in homerooms November 14, 15, and 16. The Jeans Pass will be effective November 17.
November 21-22 -- Hoops for Haiti. Students will make a donation to play games with hula hoops and/or basketball hoops in the Student Common or gym during lunch periods.
January 24- 25, 2017 – Faculty Bake Sale. The treats will be twice as sweet, since the proceeds will be helping families rebuild their lives.
February 5, 2017 – Flapjack Fundraiser at Applebee’s. This final fundraiser, which will be held on a Sunday, is a community building event that will include student servers and visiting SSNDs from Wilton, Connecticut.
“We hope that these efforts will enable many in the AHA community to become involved in helping our brothers and sisters in Haiti,” Sylvester added.
Additional clubs and organizations are encouraged to donate funds to support this effort.
Since 1879, thousands of women have passed through the portals of Academy of the Holy Angels high school, the oldest private girls’ school in New Jersey. Many go on to study at some of the nation’s best universities, earning high-ranking positions in medicine, government, law, education, public service, business, arts and athletics. Our goal is to provide each girl with the tools she needs to reach the fullness of her potential—spiritually, intellectually, socially and physically, by offering a first –rate education in a nurturing environment where equal importance is placed on academic excellence, character development, moral integrity and giving service to others.
-Jennifer Crusco, the Communications Assistant, The Academy of the Holy Angels
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