Julia Swearer realized the 15th Annual Lamp for Haiti Gala would need volunteers and took the lead by recruiting friends from the Academy of the Holy Angels. Swearer, an AHA senior from Upper Montclair, received assistance from Leah Bresnan, Olivia Costa, Alexandra Darmanin, Ava Goyal, Demitra Karlis, Scarlett Mazzola, and Natalia Ruiz.
This year’s gala was held at the Woman’s Club of Upper Montclair. COVID-19 safety protocols were observed.
“I helped with checking in guests and dining room service,” Swearer said. “The volunteers helped with bussing tables during cocktail hour, dinner, and dessert. We also helped with the 50/50 raffle and the paddle raising event.”
The gala, which also included a silent auction, raised a total of $100,000 for Lamp for Haiti. This organization is a non-profit, nonsectarian, apolitical group that provides health care and humanitarian aid to the people of Haiti (Source: lampforhaiti.org).
“I got involved with this organization in ninth grade because the gala is held in my town, Montclair, every year and my parents are donors,” Swearer explained. “I would love to keep working with Lamp for Haiti in the future. They do incredible work to help feed Haitians, and deliver medical care and humanitarian aid.”