Jodee Blanco, bullying survivor and author of The New York Times best-seller “Please Stop Laughing at Me,” brought her message of hope and forgiveness to the Academy of the Holy Angels on October 31. Blanco addressed the middle school, upper school, AHA parents, and faculty at separate presentations. Her powerful, heartfelt seminar, “It’s NOT Just Joking Around,” focused on bullying survival and prevention.
“Bullying is not just what you do, but all the nice things you never do,” she told the upper school students, urging them to live up to their courage, compassion, and strength.
Blanco's story is peppered with vivid memories of physical intimidation, hate messages, ostracism, and the destruction of her personal property. Her history also includes the excitement of her college years and her amazing first job. Spoiler Alert: Blanco shared how she was able to forgive those who had tormented her during her teen years.