Wilton Jubilee Celebration
“Love Gives Everything” was the theme of Villa Notre Dame and Lourdes Health Care’s Jubilee celebration, on May 19, for 11 Jubilarians. Celebrating 70 years were Sisters Margaret Mary Forsyth, Georganne Pearson, Julianna Poole, and Mary Ann Tantalo. Marking 60 years were Helen Mary Dolan, Joan Doyle (from Rome), Ethel Howley, Dorothy Mary Kosarko, Mary Mendum, Ilona Mensik, and Kay O’Connell.
Pat Hammond, assistant community leader, had met with them as they chose to express their joy and thanksgiving with music, words, and gestures that would be inspiring to the myriad family members and friends they had invited to fill the chapel. From “Jubilate Deo” and a “Trumpet Fanfare” that opened the celebration, the note of joy continued through “Sing a New Song,” “God’s Cause,” “We Will Go up with Joy,” and “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee.” An African Psalm, “Liebergen,” added a note of internationality; all was directed by Charlaine Fill.
Barbara Bowers’s Call to Worship, and Dominican Sister Arlene Flaherty’s homily expressed the milieu and the challenges in which they had reached these milestones. Rebecca Tayag’s offertory liturgical gesture, Theresa Lamy’s invitation to the Jubilarians to renew their vows, and her presentation of them to the assembly with the blessing of Blessed Theresa prayed over them--all spoke their faithfulness vividly, and seemed to inspire their guests with heartfelt applause.
Paschal Hall, decorated by VND staff, later brimmed with laughter and conversation during the festive dinner prepared by the VND staff and served by many sister, associate, and guest volunteers.