End Human Trafficking/Justice for Immigrants: Final AEHT webinar
The third and final webinar in the AEHT series about the link between human trafficking and forced migration will be Wednesday April 17 from 12:30 - 1:30 pm EDT. Asylum seekers in the U.S. are at risk of sex and labor trafficking when not allowed to find legal work to provide for their families. How can we encourage Congress to fix this vulnerability and eliminate unnecessary bureaucratic red tape by passing H.R. 1325, the Asylum Seeker Work Authorization Act.
Register today at: https://bit.ly/HTandFMWebinar3
Dismantling Racism: Examination of Conscience
Over the next few weeks, the DR Committee will share a “Racial Examination of Conscience” written by Mark Schmidt, director of the Respect Life/Social Justice Office of the Archdiocese of Dubuque. We invite you to spend some time alone with these questions and to initiate a conversation with others as a way to grow in awareness of your racial views and attitudes.
- Do I interact with people who are different from me?
- Do I read books or stories written by people of different ethnic or religious heritage than myself?
- Have I taken the time to listen to the voices of others who don’t look like me or have a different background and life experience than me?
- Have I ever said the following phrases or something similar: “she’s pretty for a black girl,” “he’d be handsome if he wasn’t so dark,” “that little girl would be cute if her mom did her hair,” or made other judgments on beauty and acceptance?
- Have I ever asked someone about their heritage or ethnicity by asking “so, what are you?”