Addressing Climate Change: God’s Creation Needs You.
Catholic Climate Covenant has begun a new video series, "God's Creation Needs You", featuring six Catholic communities engaged in climate action. 1st video: Catholic Youth in Action.
Ending Human Trafficking: Transparency in Supply Chains
Under current US law, only ocean vessels must publicly disclose manifest information, not aircraft, trucks, or rail. The Manifest Modernization Act, introduced November 2, will impact trading in goods produced by forced labor. Read about the Act. See also Canada’s Bill S-211.
Haiti Collaboration Committee: Current Events
The HCC is working on a presentation for the next SSND assembly. They continue to match prayer partners with Haitians who participate in Beyond Borders’ programs. If you wish to pray for someone, contact Jamie Shannon, jshannon@amssnd.org
“Addressing the complex interconnections between food systems, agriculture, and climate is essential for both mitigation and adaptation efforts.”- Dr. Al Jaber. Read the COP28 Declaration on Food Systems, Agriculture and Climate Action. COP28 concluded on December 12. Click here to catch up.