Dare to Care - February 7th 2025

Justice for Immigrants:  Help Our Sisters and Brothers

Immigrants in the U.S. are in crisis, facing the threat of deportation daily.

A handy card for any immigrant (documented or undocumented) states their Constitutional rights in both English and their language. Many languages are available on these cards. You choose which to print if you order (see below).

If you are near Villa Assumpta in Baltimore, please contact Sister Linda Stilling at lStilling@ndm.edu, who will leave cards for you there.

To order cards or print your own, please go to https://www.ilrc.org/red-cards-tarjetas-rojas.

Please share this message with at least two others!

Laudato Si’ Movement’s Lenten Calendar

Containing daily reflections and actions focusing on eco-conversion, sustainability, and advocacy for the earth, this calendar and other Lenten reflection resources can be downloaded here: https://laudatosimovement.org/lent/

Addressing Climate Change: Lessons From S. Dorothy Stang, SNDdeN

The year 2025 is the 20th anniversary of the martyrdom of S. Dorothy Stang, SNDdeN who worked for decades in the Brazilian Amazon for the protection of the ecosystem and the rights of the people. Gather to reflect on and discuss her life on March 13, at 2:00 pm or 7:00 pm, EST. Click here for more information and here to register.  Click Here for the Flyer or Download as PDF

Reflect on S Dorothy Stangs Life
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