Justice for Immigrants: Protecting Those Forced to Migrate to the USA
Thank you to all who took action using Voter Voice to urge the swift passage of H.R. 5856, the Frederick Douglass Trafficking Victims Prevention and Protection Act of 2023. The bill passed 414 to 11 in the House of Representatives. Read the joint NAC / AEHT press release here.
Justice for Immigrants: How Immigration Courts Can Protect Children from Trafficking
Learn about the intersection of human trafficking and forced migration: register for the next NAC/AEHT webinar, scheduled for March 4 at 3:30 pm ET, focused on The Immigration Court Efficiency and Children’s Court Act, H.R. 6145 / S. 3178.
Dismantling Racism/Addressing Climate Change: Land Return
This article connects the Catholic Church's holding of Indigenous land, anti-black racism, and the land and trees as witnesses to lynchings and killings. Learn about the “land return” movement in this Earthbeat article by Elisha Chi. Click here to read.
Haiti Collaboration Committee: AM SSND Assembly Presentation
On February 16, the committee presented to the AM SSND Assembly a review of the AMSSND/Beyond Borders partnership in Haiti and heard from its executive director, David Diggs. Topics included: the current economic and political situation in Haiti, a look back at the partnership’s history, and current initiatives, including Notre Dame of Maryland’s teacher training initiative.