Dare to Care - March 3rd 2023

Sustainable Development in Haiti:  Ending Violence Against Women and Girls

Globally, 1 in 3 girls have experienced violence by the age of 18. Is it possible to prevent violence against women and girls and leave no one behind in difficult times?

This means any act of violence that is meant to keep an individual under the control of others: physical, emotional, sexual or economic threats. It can occur inside or outside the home. 

Beyond Borders conducted a study entitled Rethinking Power, which looked at the effect of a community mobilization program to prevent such violence. The study concluded that “Violence against women and girls can be prevented, without leaving anyone behind, even in times of crisis.”

Click here to read more about the positive ways that behavior towards women and girls is changing in Haiti.

Trawler Ship in the ocean with long netsAddressing Climate Change and Ending Human Trafficking: Overfishing

Of all the threats facing the oceans today, overfishing takes the greatest toll on sea life and human life. Fish are in high demand; we are eating twice as much fish as we did 50 years ago. In the push to make profits, poor labor practices and environmentally neglectful fishing procedures often go together.  

Several reports have come out shining light on the issue of trafficking and overfishing in supply chains, but change has been slow.  

Laudato Si’ calls our attention to current fishing habits. “What is more, marine life in rivers, lakes, seas and oceans, which feeds a great part of the world’s population, is affected by uncontrolled fishing, leading to a drastic depletion of certain species. Selective forms of fishing which discard much of what they collect continue unabated.(40)” 

We are faced with several important issues including: 

  • Poverty - millions of people rely on fisheries for their livelihood. 
  • The right to food - fish are a principle source of nutrition for many of the poorest families.
  • Overfishing -  leads to environmental degradation and loss of marine biodiversity.

Forced labor within the seafood industry is particularly challenging. Fishing activity is often isolated, with vessels sometimes spending months to years at sea, blocking the escape from, or the reporting of, labor abuse. Workers may experience emotional and physical abuse, excessive overtime, poor living conditions, non-payment or underpayment of wages. What can we do?

Lack of adequate fishing policy is a global issue, including in the United States and in Canada. Our country agencies need to ensure that products produced with forced labor do not enter Canadian or U S markets.

Consuming sustainably is a priority. Awareness is key. Learn more and spread the word.

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