The Laudato Si' Reading and Reflection will return in December.
Spaces of Hope
What is hope, exactly?
(From Hope Grows): The definition of hope can differ depending on the person doing the talking. When people speak about hope in a spiritual context, it might mean believing good things will happen with faith in a higher power. They might direct their hopes outward in prayer.
For others, it might mean always looking on the bright side and seeing challenges as opportunities. In other words, always “hoping for the best.”
Merriam-Webster’s definition makes “hope” seem close to “wish”: “to cherish a desire with anticipation: to want something to happen or be true.”
Whatever the details, hope in general means a desire for things to change for the better, and to want that better situation very much.
What is giving you hope today?
Climate Change
COP27 is scheduled to wrap up in November 19th, but countries remain divided on several significant issues including ‘loss and damage’, the UN Secretary-General said on Thursday, urging parties to rise to the urgency of the moment and agree on real solutions to solve the greatest challenge facing humanity.
“There is clearly a breakdown in trust between North and South, and between developed and emerging economies. This is no time for finger-pointing. The blame game is a recipe for mutually assured destruction,” ~ António Guterres

Justice for Immigrants
We need comprehensive immigration reform. Even those who are receiving somewhat favorable status have no guarantee for what their status will be in the coming days, as evidenced by the changes in policy for Venezuelan migrants. Read this New York Times article about the tens of thousands of Venezuelan migrants who find themselves in limbo at the US border.
Haiti Partnership
In support of Haitians: Recent congregational sign-on actions
The AMSSND was a signatory, along with hundreds of other congregations and organizations, on two letters to President Biden. The letters urged the following action:
- Letter one: Withdrawal of support for the current regime in Haiti and request to let Haitians determine their own future
- Letter two: No detention of intercepted Haitians at Guantanamo Bay, no use of third-party countries to process asylum cases or to detain Haitian people, no denial of asylum to Haitians, and no deportation of Haitians to the violent and desperate situation in their home country.
Ending Human Trafficking
Save the Date: 100 Days Until #WearBlueDay
It’s time to mark your calendars! Each year on January 11, Blue Campaign recognizes National Human Trafficking Awareness Day by encouraging communities to wear blue — the international color for human trafficking prevention — and spread awareness of human trafficking. As #WearBlueDay gets closer, stay tuned for more information on the full slate of events and activities Blue Campaign has planned for January. |
Learn more about how Catholic sisters around the world are working together against human trafficking. Consider joining the End Human Trafficking Committee and making a difference!
Dismantling Racism
Meeting in Fordham University in New York, the National Black Catholic Clergy Caucus of the United States voted on Tuesday, July 24, 1990 to designate November as Black Catholic History Month. November marks a time when the Church prays for all saints and souls in loving remembrance, as well as a time to recall the saints and souls of Africa and the African Diaspora. Learn More Here
Watch a video on the Black Catholic Community in New Orleans through the eyes of Dr. Ansel Augustine Here: