Dare to Care - November 22nd 2024

Dismantling Racism: Maryland Emancipation – 160 Years

This statement was made by the Maryland Bishops on the 160th anniversary of Maryland’s Emancipation Day, November 1, 2024. "This day when all those held in bondage were finally set free, is a profound reminder of the dignity of every human person.” Archbishop Lori said, “While Maryland is recognized as the cradle of Catholicism in this country, it was also one of the first regions where slavery was introduced. Thus, the inception of the Catholic Church here in Maryland, like so many other institutions that trace their roots to the founding of our country, was squarely ensconced in a society mired in racial injustice. No credible treatment of the history of the establishment of the Catholic Church in the United States can be told without also acknowledging the reality of the early church’s direct involvement in slavery.”

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