Get W.I.T.H IT! - Aug 24th


The Season of Creation is celebrated by Christians every year from September 1-October 4. It is a global season of prayer and action to care for creation. Please download this calendar, developed by Sister Mary Heather MacKinnon, SSND, that will guide you in praying through the season and reflecting upon God’s gift of creation and our place in it. 



ImmigrationCanada recently announced that it will be instating a first-come basis for reuniting immigrant families, eliminating the lottery system that is currently in place. “The Government of Canada said a randomized approach would level the playing field and give everyone the same opportunity to be selected to sponsor their parents and/or grandparents.” Canada also will be increasing the accepted number of parent and grandparent sponsor applications, which are submitted by legal residents to petition for their foreign family members, from 17,000 to 20,500 in 2019. In the U.S. , there is currently no limit on the number of applications for citizens to sponsor their immigrant parents, but legal permanent residents cannot apply for their parents, grandparents are not included among potential recipients of sponsorship for anyone.


Father Augustus Tolton
Father Augustus Tolton


In case you missed it: yesterday, August 23rd, we honored the International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and Its Abolition. Click here for a brief reflection on the history of the slave trade and the Haitian people’s role in its abolition, written by Sisters Ethel Howley and Pat Glinka; and click here for a story of efforts toward racial justice by the SSND community – the story of Sister Herlinde Sick’s tutelage of Augustus Tolton, who went on to become the first African American priest in 1886.

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