Adopting a simple lifestyle is grounded in the idea of sufficiency, and promoting sobriety in the use of resources and energy. Actions in support of a simpler lifestyle could include reducing waste and recycling, adopting sustainable dietary habits (opting for a more plant-based diet and reducing meat consumption), greater use of public transport, active mobility (walking, cycling), and avoiding single-use items (e.g. plastic, etc.).
Please Read: 10 Ways to Live Simply (Laudato Si’ Movement)
Please Watch: How can we live simply (5 min, 3 sec)? (Eco-Catholic)
“Such sobriety, when lived freely and consciously, is liberating. It is not a lesser life or one lived with less intensity. On the contrary, it is a way of living life to the full.” (Laudato Si’, no. 223)
A simpler lifestyle affords more intentionality and less distraction. We can take delight in the things that truly matter and learn to let go of what may be holding us down. By learning to let go, we learn to live more deeply. Our consciousness is deepened to the wonders of God’s creation – which remains hidden due to our blindness from consumerism. A simpler lifestyle can be the seed that God plants within our hearts to foster an ecological conversion.
What small action(s) can I take to live more simply?
- In striving for simplicity, how is my spiritual life deepened?
- How can I foster the SSND charism of making one by adopting a simpler lifestyle?
Caring God, we pray that our institutions, especially our hospitals and health care centers, may grow in the capacity to care. May we understand and value how simple gestures and simple lifestyles simply make it possible for others to simply live.