The Harvest of Justice is a season of recognizing injustices that farm workers face. It runs from Labor Day to October 16, World Food Day.
Read Introduction to Farm Workers & Racism for an overview of the topic, including discussion questions. Watch a bilingual video “Farm Workers & Racism: The Struggle for Justice, Respect & Fair Pay” to hear directly from farm workers,

Educational Resources
Farm Workers & Racism: The Struggle for Justice, Respect, & Fair Pay
From slavery to sharecropping to exclusions in labor laws, our food system is rooted in racism. Today, our nation’s farm workers continue to face challenges and risks connected to this legacy.
This educational program features interviews with farm workers and organizers addressing the many ways racism impacts the daily lives of farm workers. The goal of the program is to raise consciousness and encourage NFWM supporters to take action alongside workers.
We encourage you to schedule an event amongst your congregation, community, or loved ones in which you utilize our resources about farm workers and racism. Feel free to use this HOJ 23 Presentation as another educational tool. If you need help planning an event or would like someone from NFWM to speak at your event, contact us at