Laudate Deum - October 27th 2023

We look at Pope Francis’ new apostolic exhortation up until the start of the United Nations’ Climate Change Conference (COP28) on November 30 in Dubai.

27. Human groupings have often “created” an environment, [20] reshaping it in some way without destroying it or endangering it. The great present-day problem is that the technocratic paradigm has destroyed that healthy and harmonious relationship. ... We need to rethink among other things the question of human power, its meaning and its limits.


How do we transition from an exploitive world view to one respectful of the interaction of natural and social systems? During that transition, how do we ensure sustainable livelihoods for workers and communities vulnerable to climate change impacts?


Listen to this interview on Just Transition and COP28. Explore the “just transition” movement.  On November 4 in Canada, contact your Member of Parliament on this day of action.

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