Laudato Si’ - Ecological Education and Spirituality

221. We read in the Gospel that Jesus says of the birds of the air that “not one of them is forgotten before God” (Lk 12:6). How then can we possibly mistreat them or cause them harm? I ask all Christians to recognize and to live fully this dimension of their conversion. May the power and the light of the grace we have received also be evident in our relationship to other creatures and to the world around us. In this way, we will help nurture that sublime fraternity with all creation which Saint Francis of Assisi so radiantly embodied.


What would it mean to how we live and interact with other living creatures if we took seriously our “sublime fraternity with all creation”? Would it change our consumption habits? For more, reflect on this article.


Commit to one action you can take on a regular basis to reflect our “sublime fraternity with all creation.” Share with others why you are doing this.

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