The Addressing Climate Change Committee invites you to consider these resources for Lent:
Laudato Si’ Lent, from the Ignatian Solidarity Network. Explore ways to live out the 7 goals of the Vatican's Laudato Si' Action Platform (LSAP).
2022 Stations of The Cross: Renew the Earth Resource, from the Jesuit Refugee Network USA. Pray with these Stations of the Cross as a way to walk with Jesus through the streets of Jerusalem, and also to walk with those who have been displaced by the effects of climate change around the world.
Recipes for an Eco-friendly Lent, from EarthBeat, a project of the National Catholic Reporter Publishing Company. Each Wednesday and Friday, receive plant-based recipes that are perfect for Catholics abstaining from meat on Fridays . . . or any day of the year. (Did you know that dietary dependence on animal agriculture is one of the leading contributors of climate change and environmental degradation?)