Mourning My Friend, Sister Clara Beall

Dear Sisters at Villa Assumpta,  

I recently received word of Sister Clara’s passing into eternal life. I am very sad. Sister Clara and I became friends in recent years as she joined me in my efforts to be of support to immigrant families suffering on the southern border of the USA.

She dedicated her doll-making talent to lovingly produce hundreds, yes hundreds, of dolls, stuffed dinosaurs, kitties and dogs; she made hundreds of immigrant children smile. Her dolls became a well-recognized and happy presence in the refugee camp in Matamoros, Mexico over the bridge from Brownsville, Texas, where families wait for months living in fragile tents in the hopes of gaining entry into the USA.

My Sisters (Notre Dame de Namur) and I are remembering Sister Clara in our daily prayers and asking her to intercede For immigrant families, especially the children who are being separated from their families, who continue to be detained in cages and who await deportation as we speak.
Peace, Hope,

Sister Mary Alice McCabe, SNDdeN

Read More About Sister Clara's Dolls and Toys