(Not) Catching Santa Claus

Sister Caritas Wehrman
Sister Caritas Wehrman

By Sister Caritas Wehrman, SSND

Ronnie and I walked to the Deluxe Theater, clutching the 25 cents our mother had given us for movie tickets. We were excited to see the movie but regretted leaving the house. 

It was Christmas Eve. Santa was expected any time. He would decorate our tree and leave presents for us. Ronnie and I wanted to catch him! After the movie, we ran back home to try to do it.

Of course we didn't run fast enough. When we arrived, the tree was already glittering with clear white bulbs and ornaments and our presents were already stacked underneath it. I loved looking at the ornaments, especially the ones with circles around the top and a picture in the middle. They included sayings like, "Hang up your sock!" 

Christmases were special, but we never did catch Santa, no matter how hard we tried. He was always just too fast!