"Painting the Scene"

Sister Rose Cecile Espinos

by Sister Rose Cecile Espinos

I remember one Advent/Christmas season in particular. My father called the four girls together (the three boys were already on their own) to ask what we should do to prepare for Christmas. We decided to create a backdrop for the nativity set.

Our father gathered the needed materials, putting up a canvas tarp and painting a blue sky. He then gave us small paintbrushes to paint clouds, hills, grass, mountains and stones. He outlined Bethlehem buildings and we added stars above them. Finally, he made a hole through which the brightest Christmas star would shine, and it was ready to hang in the living room near the Christmas tree.

A table was set up with nothing more than the electric candles and manger. As Christmas Eve grew near, we added animals and shepherds. At last, Mary and Joseph and the Baby Jesus were added. 

The crib statues were 4 or 5 inches tall and made in Spain. My mother made clothes for these statues.  

By Christmas Eve the Christmas scene was complete.

On Christmas Day, we prayed before the completed Nativity set that we as a family we put together and then opened our presents. Mass and a delicious dinner were also part of the day.