“Whatever you do to the least of my brothers and sisters, you do to ME”
Recall that Jesus was a migrant. His early childhood includes the experience of forced migration of the Holy Family and living in a foreign land. May we see Jesus in the suffering humanity of our time, those forced to flee oppressive regimes and those whose land no longer provides the safety and sustenance needed for their families.
The Justice for Immigrants Committee invites you to watch the following video and then consider the suggestions at the end as a way you might reach out to our thousands of brothers and sisters, eyes overflowing with tears, waiting with Christ in the darkness this Advent
Video - A Voice from the Border: The Pastoral Presence of Bishop Mark J. Seitz
- After watching the video, talk with others about what you learned or how your heart was touched.
- Invite an immigrant person to your community for food and fellowship or as Pope Francis would say, to be a part of “a culture of encounter”.
- Consider a small donation to an immigrant family, student, or organization that works with immigrants.
- Hold migrants and immigrants closely in your prayer this Advent.
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