Reading Laudato Si’ - #128-129

Read the complete text here.

128. … Work is a necessity, part of the meaning of life on this earth, a path to growth, human development and personal fulfilment. .. To stop investing in people, in order to gain greater short-term financial gain, is bad business for society.

129. …Economies of scale, especially in the agricultural sector, end up forcing smallholders to sell their land or to abandon their traditional crops. ...


In reflecting on work, put yourself in the shoes of a slave, a black person, an indigenous person, a migrant worker, a small farmer, an entrepreneur, a woman, a man, a child etc. How might their experiences of work differ? What is needed for work to be a path to growth and personal fulfilment?


May 13 is World Fair Trade Day. Consider the place of Fairtrade items on your shopping list. Talk with members of your household about the importance of justice and ethics in our purchases. See the Dare to Care section for more.

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