During the Season of Creation, we are reflecting on portions of Pope Francis’ Message for World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation
“Just as the hearts of babies in the womb beat in harmony with those of their mothers, so in order to grow as people, we need to harmonize our own rhythms of life with those of creation, which gives us life”.
During this Season of Creation, let us dwell on those heartbeats: our own and those of our mothers and grandmothers, the heartbeat of creation and the heartbeat of God. Today they do not beat in harmony; they are not harmonized in justice and peace.
Reflection: In our culture, we try to bend the rest of creation to our will. How have you experienced this lack of harmony between us and the rest of creation? What would our lives look like if we were harmonized?
Action: Delve deeper into the root causes of this disharmony. Read Cultivation not Domination or Rebirthing Religion. Share your questions and insights with another.