The School Sisters of Notre Dame will be hosting a Leadership Luncheon on April 10, 2025, at the Clarion Inn Elmhurst in Oak Brook, IL. Building on the success of the Central Pacific Province’s Leadership Luncheons, the Atlantic-Midwest Province is pleased to welcome Dr. Maggie Flanagan as our keynote speaker. Dr. Flanagan, Director of The Nun Study, will share the latest insights on predicting, preventing, and treating Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. The event begins at 11:30 with networking, followed by lunch and the program.
The Nun Study, originally led by Dr. David Snowdon in the late 1980s, is a groundbreaking longitudinal study on aging. It involved 678 School Sisters of Notre Dame (SSND), who volunteered for clinical evaluations of their cognitive and physical health throughout their lives, and who also agreed to donate their brains for research after their passing. While the original participants are no longer with us, their contributions continue to shape ongoing research and discoveries in the field of aging and dementia.
This event will also be held throughout the Central Pacific Province. For more information on their dates and locations please visit
Learn about how the luncheon's design
In this year's Women's Leadership Luncheon design, three elements work together to represent our theme of The Nun Study: Transforming the Future of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Related Dementias. The elephant represents the optimism and hope for discovering a cure and slowing the advancement of Alzheimer's and related dementia because “an elephant never forgets.” The forget-me-not flowers represent memory loss, one of the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. Purple is the official color of the Alzheimer's movement since its combination of blue and red represent calmness and passion, which are the hallmark characteristics of caregivers and those living with the disease.
Thank you, Sponsors!
The Artz & Newmes Families
Mary Clare Loftus
Therese Smith
Academy of Our Lady Alumnae Association

Register to Attend
For questions or to purchase tickets
Don't hesitate to get in touch with Jenn Chrysadakis at (203) 761-9732 ext. 3208 or