Report from Beyond Borders Co-Founder David Diggs - August 2023

My colleague Sister Limeteze Pierre-Gilles and I just returned from Haiti with other colleagues, gratified by a deeply inspiring and encouraging trip. I wish that you could've joined us.

A highlight of our trip was the graduation of all 110 families in the fifth cohort of Beyond Borders’ Family Graduation Program. Now that we’re back, we’ll be preparing and sharing detailed final reports for each of the Beyond Borders’ supporters who sponsored a family in this cohort.

What we saw – at the graduation and as we visited all of Beyond Borders’ work on the island – is nothing short of transformative for so many families and children.

More families are stronger, healthier, and able to provide for themselves; more children are growing up free, safe, and enrolled in good schools; and, more women and girls are living free from violence and balancing power with men and boys.

I am profoundly grateful to everyone who has given so generously to make this work possibleNone of this would be happening without so many people who care.

You’ve likely heard that violence and insecurity continue to grip Port-au-Prince. The chaos of the capital is a huge concern for everyone, and a terrible trial for the people who call Port-au-Prince home.

Lagonav Island – largely cut off from the mainland – continues to be secure, making it an ideal place to work with grassroots leaders, parents, teachers, religious leaders, and local elected officials to develop the different tools and approaches we use to overcome poverty, prevent violence and abuse, and develop leaders.

At the same time, Beyond Borders continues to work with national and international organizations advocating for the U.S. to stop propping up Haiti's illegitimate Prime Minister and instead support the efforts of civil society leaders to return the country back to the democratic rule of law.

Thank you again for your care and concern, your interest in Beyond Borders, and for your solidarity with our courageous sisters and brothers in Haiti.

David Diggs