The Season of Creation - Transforming Ourselves

  … let us add to the flow of this mighty river by transforming our lifestyles. ... let us adopt lifestyles marked by less waste and unnecessary consumption, especially where the processes of production are toxic and unsustainable. Let us be as mindful as we can about our habits and economic decisions so that all can thrive ... ~ Pope Francis’  Message for World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation


“We express our spirit of poverty by holding all things in common, living simply, sharing materially and spiritually, receiving gratefully and reverencing created things. ... witnessing that living these values is a possibility for humanity.” (YAS 16-17) “In fidelity to our charism and the mission to bring all to oneness, we commit to live more simply, responsibly, and sustainably...” (SSND Laudato Si’ Commitment)


Before you buy something ask yourself: “Do I really need it? Can I borrow it from someone? Was it produced ethically?”

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