Sister Claire Marie: Counsel the Doubtful

Sister Marie Claire

Sister Claire Marie Czerwiec, SSND is a Pastoral Counselor and Spiritual Director in Chicago Ridge, Illinois.

One of her guiding principles is from John 10:10: “I came that they may have life and have it to the full.”

In her ministry Sister Claire Marie meets with people who are experiencing sadness, stresses, relational problems or personal anxiety. Through counseling sessions, she helps them reach peace within themselves and wholeness of being. It isn’t true that she gives them answers to their problems, but rather helps them find ways to live with uncertainties and anxieties.

Sister Claire Marie truly believes that the definition of education as found in our SSND Constitution, You Are Sent is “enabling others to reach the fullness of their potential” is a perfect description of her ministry, whether in pastoral counseling or spiritual direction. And this brings her great joy.

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