Sister Donita Mathis
December 7, 1929 – January 14, 2025
Elizabeth Marie Mathis was born December 7, 1929, and died January 14, 2025. She was the daughter of George Mathis (born in Rumania) and Anna Schmauder (born in Hungary) and was one of five children. She was baptized at St. Alphonsus, Chicago, Illinois.
Elizabeth Marie entered the School Sisters of Notre Dame at the Milwaukee Motherhouse in 1949. She was professed in 1952, given the name Donita, and took her final vows in 1958, all in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Donita studied at Mt. Mary University (then a college), where she received a B.A. in History, Sociology and English.
From 1952 to 1960, Sister Donita taught primary grades at St. Anthony, Detroit, Michigan and at St. Michael in Milwaukee. From 1961 to 1963, she taught primary grades at St. Margaret of Scotland in Chicago, and then from 1963 to 1965, at Christ the King in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin. She continued as a primary teacher from 1965 to 1975 at Santa Maria in Chicago, St. Benedict in Blue Island, and at St. John de la Salle, at that time part of the Chicago province.
In 1975, Sister Donita decided to become a nurse, and studied in the Chicago Public Schools LPN Program. As an LPN, she worked at St. Francis Hospital in Blue Island, Illinois, and as Health Care Coordinator, part-time, at the Academy of Our Lady Convent, also in Chicago.
Sister Donita then studied for two years, 197 to 1981, in the RN program at St. Francis Hospital in Evanston, Illinois. Following her studies, she served part-time as an RN at the Academy of Our Lady Convent and at Cuneo Hospital in Chicago, from 1981 to 1985. She continued to serve as an RN from 1985 to 2013, including work at Cuneo Hospital, Chicago; St. Joseph Hospital, Chicago; Villa St. Cyril, Highland Park, Illinois; and then again at the Academy of Our Lady Convent.
From 1994 to 2013, Donita ministered part-time at the Wholistic Health Center, Oak Park, Illinois, at the office of a medical doctor in Des Plaines, Illinois, and as nurse advocate at Resurrection Life Center in Chicago.
Donita continued her ministry part-time in many ways, including prayer and presence and as a volunteer nurse advocate at Frances Manor in Des Plaines and at Resurrection Life Center. In 2015, Donita retired to Marian Village in Homer Glen, Illinois. She moved to Resurrection Life Center in 2019, where she died peacefully on January 14, 2025.
Donita’s good friend, Sister Lorrita Verhey (also a nurse), described Donita as a caring, concerned friend. She was honored to serve as Donita’s durable power of attorney.
Sister Miriam Patrick Cummings gave the eulogy at Donita’s funeral. She recalled how during her life, Donita expressed her gratitude to Sisters Lori (Keen) and Dorothy (Kunze), good friends from St. Al’s, who supported her at that time, and through the years.
Miriam Patrick told about first graders sitting at their desks happily eating treats while Sister Donita read them a story. On the way out of the classroom, you could hear the children talking about what a good time they had.
Sister Barbara Bowers led a sharing at Homer Glen about Donita. As Barb wrote, “Donita is remembered as a gentle person with a beautiful smile… She was low-key with an even-keeled personality. She was a fine primary grade teacher; from those years with the little ones she developed a calming, quiet authority which she brought to her patients as a nurse. She maintained a sense of balance and knew what to say.”
Donita’s funeral was held on January 25 at Our Lady of the Angels Chapel at Marian Village in Homer Glen. Interment took place the same day at Holy Sepulchre in Alsip, both in Illinois.
We thank God for Donita and pray that she enjoys the fullness of life.
By Charlaine Fill, SSND, with assistance from Sisters Miriam Patrick Cummings and Barbara Bowers