Solidarity Reflection January 2025

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It was 30 years ago, in 1995, that Sr. Margaret Mattare (USA) and Sr. Krisztina Vargacz (Hungary) answered the call to serve as the congregation’s first Shalom International Network Coordinators. The SSND Shalom International Network for Justice, Peace, and the Integrity of Creation (JPIC) is built upon the dynamic relationship among all School Sisters of Notre Dame, women in formation, associates, those employed by the congregation for JPIC work, and our colleagues and friends who wish to join us in these efforts. It is action-oriented. – Shalom Document.

The goal of Shalom is to take actions which lead to reconciliation, solidarity with the oppressed, the promotion of human dignity, and collaboration with ecological movements to safeguard the earth. In the spirit of Laudato Si’, we work to protect and preserve our common home and to develop an integral ecology. In other words, we commit ourselves to promote the culture of life. – Shalom Document

Call to Prayer

Come, Holy Spirit, dwell in our hearts. Inspire us to embrace our call to be women of hope, attentive to the cries of the earth and the poor. Guide us to reflect our love for God, neighbor, and all creation robustly/passionately/creatively through our prayers and our ministerial, individual, and community engagements. Strengthen us in our pursuit of justice, love, and peace. Amen.


While SSND has always had a commitment to justice, peace, and the integrity of creation, naming this commitment and the network to support it Shalom – complete with the establishment of animators at the international, branch, and national levels – helped elevate this aspect of SSND life and ministry tremendously.  As did the specific inclusion of associates, women in formation, and partners in ministry. Consider this small sampling of highlights…

•    An SSND perpetual prayer for peace anchored by our Shalom Centers of Prayers for Peace established by Sr. Cathy Arata in 2006.
•    The congregational 2021 Laudato Si’ Public Commitment to Action, the historic 2015 Shalom International Seminar, and our numerous collaborative corporate responsibility engagements.
•    Our robust UN-NGO activities – particularly efforts of the SSND UN-NGO Office to bring forward the voices of women and girls from throughout our global congregation.
•    An incredible variety of creative and impactful projects and engagements by sisters, associates, Shalom Clubs, and ministry partners at the local, regional, national, and branch levels.

Take a few minutes to consider your own JPIC experiences. What has been particularly meaningful to you?


The commitment to justice, peace, and integrity of creation is fundamental to SSND life and ministry. Consider the following:

•    “As the desire of Jesus that all be one becomes more fully our own, our striving for unity embraces all humanity and the whole of creation.” (You Are Sent, Constitution 9) “We work actively, especially in our local situations, to eliminate the root causes of injustice in order to realize a world of peace, justice, and love.” (You Are Sent, Constitution 17) “A particular concern in all ministries is the establishment of a just society.” (You Are Sent, General Directory 33)

•    “In fidelity to our charism and the mission to bring all to oneness, we commit to live more simply, responsibly, and sustainably and to educate, advocate, and act in collaboration with others for the dignity of life and the care of all creation.” (Congregational Laudato Si’ Public Commitment)

•    “We are educators in all that we are and do, exploring concrete avenues to eliminate root causes of injustice. We heal divisions and fractured relationships through forgiveness, reconciliation, dialogue, compassion, peacemaking, and bridge-building within our congregation and beyond. We are present with people at the peripheries and collaborate together to end all forms of discrimination, inequity, and violence. We, as a Laudato Si’ congregation, unite with the church’s movement to address the environmental and humanitarian crisis within the framework of an integral ecology.” (Call of the 25th General Chapter)

When established, it was envisioned that the Shalom International Network would enable us to fully use the potential of our internationality to address situations which diminish life and to promote those which enhance life. To what degree has this potential been realized?  What can be done to more fully realize this vision?


In her remarks about the establishment of Shalom, Sr. Patricia Flynn (General Superior 1987-98) stated, “Shalom is a call and challenge for us to rededicate ourselves to work for justice at every level — personal, communal, national and international, because we know that the unity we strive for can only be realized in a just society.”  

Let us take time this month to consider the ways we reflect the SSND commitment to justice, peace, and integrity of creation in our prayer life, in our personal choices, ministry engagements, and community involvements. In light of the emerging signs of the times, the cries of the poor, and the cries of the earth – what is mine/ours to do?  How can I further promote our community’s collective and collaborative engagement in these important matters?

Closing Prayer

Spirit of Shalom, ignite us with the fire of your love. Enflame our hearts with courage to embrace dialogue that transforms and truth that frees. Kindle our love with kindness to heal divisions and reconcile relationships. Light our imaginations with insight to envision and create a world where all are one. Stir our actions with justice and peace, to engage in critical issues and to cherish all of life. Fire our lives with audacity and hope to risk all for God’s mission, for love cannot wait. (Spirit of Shalom prayer by Sr. Roxanne Schares)

Prepared by Tim Dewane, International Shalom Network Coordinator
Graphic taken from 25th General Chapter design by Joyelle Proot, SSND CP

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