The Atlantic-Midwest Province of the School Sisters of Notre Dame, Inc. is exploring the new frontier of mission for women religious by moving forward in a partnership with Beyond Borders, Inc. to work together to address needs in Haiti.
“Establishing partnerships for mission is one of the ways the charism of religious life can continue to be a transformative grace in areas of the nation and world where women religious can no longer send sisters,” said Sister Charmaine Krohe, SSND, provincial leader for the Atlantic-Midwest Province.
Recently, Sister Charmaine and David Diggs, executive director of Beyond Borders, Inc. signed a memorandum of understanding that establishes a broad mutual understanding between the two organizations for establishing and operating programs for the people of Haiti that align with both organizations’ shared mission and vision to advance the values of human rights and social justice.
“Among the many points of intersection between Beyond Borders’ mission and our own, is our shared mutual commitment to the protection of vulnerable women and children and to education that transforms and calls all to eliminate the root causes of injustice,” Sister Charmaine said.
“As a result of the experience and credibility that Beyond Borders has earned in Haiti, we are very pleased to enter into this collaboration that will help fund two startup model community initiatives (MCIs) in the communities of Tipalmis and Nan Mango on the Haiti island of LaGonave,” she added.
The model community initiatives will leverage fiscal support with the expertise of Beyond Borders working directly in Haiti with local civic, religious, and grassroots leaders so that such distressed rural communities can be safe, self-sustaining environments that offer quality primary education, access to sufficient food and clean water, dignified work, and effective and just governance.
The SSND commitment will further be used to encourage and complement the engagement of other institutional and individual supports and partners.
“Beyond Borders is honored to partner with the School Sisters of Notre Dame as we work hand in hand with the Haitian people to address the issues they face and provide them with the resources they need to build grassroots, community-based movements that lead to sustainable, positive change,” David Diggs said.
View photos from the MOU signing on our Facebook page.