Stop Gun Violence

Our thoughts and prayers must be joined with action, we can and must do more to prevent such attacks.” Cardinal Sean O’Malley

Sadly, yet another mass shooting in our country... we are heartbroken for everyone who has been touched by this event, and for all of us in the US as we grapple with this terrible affliction of gun violence.

Please contact your elected officials to ask them to take up legislation immediately that:
• Requires universal background checks and mandatory waiting periods for all gun purchases
• Bans civilian ownership of high-capacity weapons and magazines
• Makes gun trafficking a federal crime

Read our Social Justice Resource on Gun Violence…/gun-violence-social-justice-r…

Contact your Senators:…/contact_informati…/senators_cfm.cfm

Contact your Representative:

Please read our Just Act - Social Justice Resource on Gun Violence

Stop Gun Violence! from SSND Atlantic Midwest on Vimeo.

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